Los Angeles Transit Neighborhood Plans

City of Los Angeles, CA

For the City of Los Angeles’ Transit Neighborhood Plan (TNP) program, BAE explored the potential for new incentive zoning to facilitate enhanced community benefits such as affordable housing and additional open space at select Orange Line stations and along the Purple Line Extension.

As part of the analysis, BAE worked closely with the City to identify opportunity sites for new transit-oriented development. Screening criteria included parcels with low improvement-to-land value (I/L) ratios, as well as those parcels with existing land uses that were incompatible with transit-oriented development.

Next, BAE conducted an in-depth market analysis at each station area, assessing factors such as local rents and sale prices, vacancy rates, and other real estate benchmarks to assess the building typologies and use types most likely to be supported by private development. Financial feasibility was then tested for each building typology across a range of buildout intensities to identify potential zoning thresholds for establishing community benefits.

BAE also utilized confidential, firm-level data provided by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) as part of the Industry and Employment Analysis, which identified emerging industry sectors with significant employment growth to help inform land use guidelines.