Sacramento San Joaquin Delta Economic Sustainability Framework Plan

Delta Protection Commission (California)

This state agency selected a consultant team led by BAE to prepare the framework study that guided preparation of a subsequent Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta Region.

The framework study compiled background data on regional economic trends and conditions, identified key drivers and assets supporting the local economy, and important factors that would affect the sustainability of the regional economy over the next 50 years.  In addition to sustainability of the agricultural production, the study also identified the challenges and opportunities facing other Delta sectors, including recreation and tourism, food processing, and manufacturing.  A key component of this study was an in-depth public and stakeholder engagement process, which included working closely with the Delta Protection Commission’s appointed Economic Sustainability Committee, convening 9 focus groups to hold in-depth discussions on specific economic sustainability topics, one-on-one interviews with numerous stakeholders, a community-wide web-based survey, and two rounds of community meetings held in four different locations throughout the region.